Get Job Seekers to Reply: 3 Proven Ways to Get a Response

Employers & Recruiters, Popular Posts October 24, 2016

text message recruiting
Many times I hear questions from recruiters, how can I get job seekers to reply? I had several interesting conversations last week with various clients – a combination of recruiter/agencies and corporate HR in the restaurant/hospitality space. I was interested in hearing what channels they were using to reach out to the talent that they had found at RestaurantZone (or other sources). Here are some of the most effective methods they were using and we’ve seen used to get in touch with the right talent:

1) Picking up the phone first then texting! Nothing beats old fashion phone calls, it’s an excellent to start building a relationship with a job-seeker. Nothing beats developing a genuine connection with job-seeker and this all starts with a phone call. According to New Voice Media “75% of consumers say a phone call is the quickest way to get a response”.And Definitely agree with this. A large % of our clients have booked many interviews/hires by just picking up the phone and calling. We also are a big fans of leaving voicemails. You can automate this process with Slybroadcast. A great tool!

We’ve also seen our clients drastically increase their response rates by following up with a text message too. As long as you don’t make them intrusive, texting can be very effective. If you want to automate this process, consider using applications like Google Voice (sending 6 text messages at once). You can also go into “Google Search” the terms “text messaging marketing” or “texting messaging applications” to find your secret weapon of choice. Keep your text messages short and sweet. Experiment with different types of messages to figure out which one converts the most.

Example text message: “NAME, you applied to our XYZ  Position at XZY Company. When are you available for an interview? Regards, {INSERT NAME}”

Example text message: “NAME, your resume came across your desk. I was impressed with your experience at {{COMPANY}}. My name is {XYZ} I work at {COMPANY} and we have some openings you mind find interesting. I wanted to connect with you briefly to discuss and simply introduce myself. When are you free for a few minutes? Regards, {INSERT NAME}”

2) Consider doing a Google search on the candidate
and seeing if you can find their Linkedin Profiles, Facebook, or other social accounts to see if you can connect that way. Make your message “social” if you’re going to email them a job. I wouldn’t recommend copy+pasting a job description, but rather tailor your message to be shorter and more casual. This article is on messaging candidates on Linkedin or Resume Databases. Read more here.

3) Email Marketing.
 Writing personalized emails can be effective. Just be careful about deliverability rates when sending a large number of emails. Read more about our tips on emailing job-seekers here. Try and experiment with using services like MailChimp, MailerLite or other email marketing sites to design and create emails to cater to the job-seekers you want to attract. What’s great about these email services is they ensure high deliverability rates (emails from many employers/recruiters sometimes don’t actually go through. You can check your deliverability and email score by visiting MailTester). Our team has also been helping clients target lists of job seekers (we have 50MM in our network) and construct beautiful converting emails as well. If you’re interested in this click here to learn more! Or just give us a call: 800-513-5096.


A few more things to note. Many of our clients stated that they were using email and phone calls. Phone calls were one of the more effective channels for our clients. The phone calls also lead to quick pre-screening conversations to get a good feel of the candidates’ experience, personality and the candidates’ needs/salary requirements. However, one of the channels that received a surprisingly high response rate were text messages.

In particular, a handful of clients said that text messages were a good way to get through to the younger generation/millennial job-seekers. Discussing this with a few clients, we wondered: Why was this so? Could it be that the younger generation is not using email as frequently and pays more attention to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin), messenger, and texting? We had our suspicions! I did a bit of research online to see what some other companies were finding. An interesting study from Aweber, a marketing firm, stated that 41% of college students believed email was dying out. One Generation Y’er specifically stated “I tend to check my phone for text messages or look on Facebook to see if I have any notifications before checking my email”.

Just some food for thought, myself and team will be conducting more research on this and doing some tests on this ourselves. Stay tuned!

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