Tips on improving your classified ad listings
A while ago, we posted a quick simple guide on tips on improving your classified ad listings, but thought we would revamp this and add a few more points and ideas to this. It is very critical for your ads to be clear, concise, descriptive and honest. This helps buyers and sellers transact smoothly. So with out further adieu here are our tips on improving your classified ad listings, below.
Tips on improving your classified ad listings:
1) Descriptions go a long way! We want to emphasize that you should provide lots of detail in your listings. I would strongly recommend creating at least a 300 word description for your ad. This will ensure that your restaurant classified ad will be included in our search engine optimization and will get recognized and seen by the rest of the internet faster! Consider adding bullet points and numbering to make it easy for readers too!
2) Be honest with your descriptions. If you are selling used restaurant equipment or anything for that matter, list both pros and cons of the product/service! This will help avoid any nasty shocks for potential buyers.
3) Take great pictures and don’t be afraid to post too many. Buyers are usually interested in the details! Again be honest with pictures to reflect the age/condition of the product, photoshop need not apply! Keep in mind you can upload a lot of photos, using our site. And if you need to upload more just contact the restaurant zone!
4) For restaurant property listings, keep in mind location can be key. Make sure to get some shots of the location your restaurant is located in so the buyer can get a clear sense of how much traffic comes by that area or what the area looks like.
5) Make sure your price is realistic, both buyers and sellers! Compare listings to others ones, and some prices that might be too low may be too good to be true. Remember please don’t hesitate to report scams and spams to us! We work on monitoring the ads and eventually will have to start charging for classified ads to further ensure that there are quality listings on our site (acts as a great filter), but for now we are using other tactics 🙂
6) Maximize your profile – I can’t emphasize this enough, if you are a business include your logo here and include your website in the listing! Having a link to your business/website could help benefit your websites SEO (if you need help with this, just email us!).
That is all for now if you need additional tips on improving your classified ad listings, shoot us an email at and we will be more than happy to help!
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